Invisible Deluge–John Paul Caponigro

Well of dark effluence inchoate,
the past burns now, the future with it.
A present power hunger consumes itself
bloating new waves to oblivion.

One fall in the sky;
atmospheres river with carbon, 
shuddering unsequestered descents,
 relentlessly writhing fevers.

One fall in the water;
titanic torrents numbed
still the world’s currents,
their tides rising, oceans swell.

Woe unwelcome cascades
overflowing cyclonic furies of doom, 
thunder, inundate, conflagrate, desiccate
metastasizing wastes.

While the garden fails,
the great crop with it,
new stars are covered over
with our damnable dust.

Whine last fall of the body,
too many erasures inside,
our waters made black
their promises abyss.

John Paul Caponigro
is an internationally collected visual artist and published author. He leads unique adventures in the wildest places on earth to help participants creatively make deeper connections with nature and themselves. View his TEDx and Google talks at